Organic farming

what is it?

Organic farming and livestock are natural ways of producing and friendly with the environment. Its implementation does not require the use of chemical plant protection products and fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, etc. It is a conscious attitude and choice of a lifestyle with respect for the environment that restores the harmonious relationship between farmer and nature. This method requires great and continuous effort, however the producer can market the products at prices higher than those of the conventional ones.
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The goals:

• Production of products and foods of high nutritional value, safe for the consumer without residues of pesticides, antibiotics and chemical fertilizers.

• Environmental protection (protection of soil and aquifer, sustainable management of natural resources, ensuring biodiversity).

• No use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and / or products produced by them.

 • Protecting the health of farmers from their exposure to harmful chemicals.

• The natural living of animals and ensuring their well-being.

• Use of organically produced feed without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and / or products derived from them.